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People often think that it takes big bucks to be an investor. In fact, despite wanting to invest in the share market, 22 percent of South Africans say they don’t make or have enough money to get started according to a recent banking survey.


But with the rise of micro investing and fractional investing, it’s now possible to get going with as little as R250. And there are many benefits to beginning to invest early, even if you only have a small amount of cash to do it.

What is micro investing?

Aptly named, micro investing is investing in super small increments, made feasible by the ability to buy mere fractions of shares. That makes highly priced stocks, such as those of big names like Amazon (around $1,760 a share, as of mid December) and Google-parent Alphabet (about $1,350 a share), accessible to investors who couldn’t otherwise afford to dedicate that much of their portfolio to a single share of any one company.


Even investing in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, which are relatively more affordable than individual shares, can demand sums of money that many regular investors might find intimidating, especially for those just getting started. For example, many mutual funds have required minimum initial investments of $1,000 or more. And ETFs can have pricey shares, too.


Vanguard’s S&P 500 ETF is more than $290 a share, and iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF  is about $128 a share. You can buy fractional shares of those ETFs and others and pretty soon you'll be able to do that with your Xhuma account. 

Is it worth it to invest  in such small increments?

Absolutely. Any pittance stands to grow into a nice cash cushion, if given enough time, thanks to a little thing called compounding. That’s how your money is able to grow earnings on top of earnings on top of earnings, et cetera. So the sooner you start investing, even if you have just a little bit of cash, the more time you’re giving it to compound.


For example, let’s say you save R100 a week. After 10 years, you’d wind up with R52,000 if you simply keep your money in a good old-fashioned piggy bank. Not bad! If you use a savings account that pays 1 percent, compounded monthly, that would bump your total after 10 years up to R65,053.43. Pretty good! But by investing, and earning 5 percent (a reasonable expectation for average annual market returns over time) on that R100 a week, you’d rack up R184,558.40 after 10 years. That’s an extra R119,504.97 just for putting your money in a different place. Totally worth it, right?


To be clear, though, investing R100 a week or only your spare change may not be enough to fully fund major long-term financial goals, such as your retirement, even with decades of compounding to work. But it’s a good start. And hopefully, just getting started can show you how easy investing can be and motivate you to keep it up and to save and invest even more as soon as your budget allows.

But isn't investing risky?

Yes, investing does require taking on risk. But not investing can be risky, too. One of the biggest threats to your uninvested savings: inflation. The current inflation rate of about 5.9 percent, according to, means that even the money you “safely” put into a savings account is likely losing purchasing power while it sits. (Remember that even savings accounts are offering an average rate of just 3 percent) Investing is your best bet at beating inflation over the years.


Of course, this isn’t necessarily an either-or situation. For your overall financial plan, experts advise setting money aside for both savings and investing. Typically, you want to have an emergency fund and other cash you expect to need within the next few years accessible in a savings account. Any money you can put away for longer can be invested.


Within your investment portfolio, being well-diversified can help minimize risk. That means spreading your cash out across a variety of investments that offer different levels of safety and potential returns. On the safer side, you have cash investments (like money-market funds or certificates of deposit) and bonds, and on the riskier but potentially more rewarding side, you have shares. 


And even within those broad categories, you want to diversify more narrowly, too. In the shares portion of your portfolio, for example, you should consider buying both foreign and domestic shares, as well as companies of different sizes and in different industries. Among your bonds, you want picks from different types of issuers (i.e. government and corporate) and with different duration levels (i.e. maturing in the short-term vs. the long-term). Mixing it up like this boosts the odds that you’ll always have at least one asset winning at any given time.


With just a small amount of money to invest, being well-diversified was once a big challenge. That’s why micro investing and fractional investing is such a game changer, making diversification accessible to the masses. Soon Xhuma will make these tools available to you to make your investing easier. 


This article has been distributed for educational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.


How to start investing with very little money

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